For women, having long lustrous hair has become almost a dream, in this world of pollution and dirt. Not only men, women are also facing excessive hair loss problem, these days. This affects on their self-esteem and personality. It is found in many case studies that almost 50% of women are suffering from hair fall and thinning hair problem. So, many women are now going to the Hair Transplant Clinic in Chandigarh, to get restored with sustainable long hair. But before we jump to the conclusion, let’s focus on the causes leading to the hair fall problem among the women.
Thyroid: How much hormone is being produced by the thyroid gland comes in the direct relation with the Hair fall problem. But how can you understand that your Thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones? If you see that besides the thinning hair, you have put on excessive weight or losing weight, consult with your doctor whether your hair loss problem is a result of the dis-functioning of the Thyroid gland or not.
Menopause: Women after 40, suffer from hair fall problems a lot. And this falls under the category of menopausal symptoms.
Diet: What you eat throughout the day, and what kind of meal you are having also confirms the growth of your hair. If you have leafy green vegetables, eat non-spicy food, drink plenty of water, the chances of hair fall problem will be less. But most of us follow an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, love to eat junk and processed foods. So isn’t hair fall obvious for us?
Frequent Styling and Coloring: Frequent coloring you hair, and adopting different styling to look flawless has been proved to be one of the main causes of hair fall problems among the young generation.
So considering all these facts, if you are suffering from massive hair loss problem, you can visit the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Chandigarh.